Snow Ridge: Painting and Skiing a NY Treasure

Posted by Carrie Pill on

"I can't believe you forgot this"

I'm going to tell you why a visit for skiing and painting at Snow Ridge, this treasure nestled in Northern, NY, was so damn refreshing.

"I can't believe you forgot this"...cringing to myself. Leading up to this visit, I had hoped to time it with a proper lake effect dumping of a couple feet...the storms of my childhood in Watertown. This became the single-sided story I told myself about Snow Ridge: the place that gets pummeled by pow. 

When accumulation did not happen for my visit, I was honestly disappointed. Rain had assaulted the Northeast a few days before, we really needed snow. I'm in the business of beauty, how am I going to paint this cool place and make it pretty when the weather has been so bad? Yours truly was feeling discouraged.

I showed up anyway to ski and paint this Snow Ridge's likeness. It was chilly and windy that day with patches of sun. Upon entering the Wax House, their family base lodge, the energy and warmth came back to me.

I had forgotten the biggest takeaway from seasons past: while the snow is nice, it's the people, the community, that's what really makes a place. I can't believe Carrie that you forgot this very important lesson from seasons past...spirit first, snow second.

"You should add more snow"

In the art, I could embellish. I could add depth, fake snow. In fact, that is often suggested by passerby when I am painting ski areas here in the East. Pulling beauty from truth, however is the artist's perogative.

Lying about the depths on this low tide day would be missing an opportunity to highlight the most beautiful thing about Snow Ridge: it's spirit.

You see, places like Snow Ridge remind us of the soul of skiing...

Spirit first. Snow second.

  • Skiing's spirit is in the young family's marathon of magic carpet laps.
  • It's in the woman and her lively young "helpers" when you get your day ticket.
  • Skiing's spirit is in the kindness of the lift attendants and the bartenders.
  • It's in the friendliness of the 70+ skier who has seen so many changes here and shows up weekly to gets some laps in.
  • And skiing's spirit is in the feral packs of kids that are out there first to last chair, regardless of conditions, having the time of their lives. Nothing will silence your condition complaints quicker than witnessing this.

The Pow Arrived

This challenge of skiing and painting all of the Indy Pass East ski areas will no doubt give me more places to become a super fan of. You can't help it. There's so much to love. You end up routing for them.

Not long after leaving the area, I noticed Snow Ridge is receiving the base and repeated snowfalls it deserves. Good for you Snow Ridge. Thank you for being so great.

Thank you for reading along about this visit on the Indy East tour.

My very best, Carrie


You can shop Snow Ridge art, including a limited edition print and painting here:

For shop updates, when new work is released, you can sign up here: sign up for newsletter

You can see a little video from my visit here: stop one


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