The Secret Recipe for "Happy Artist" is in Books and Poems?

Posted by Carrie Pill on

What's the secret recipe for "Happy Artist"? And what does it have to do with books and poems? Here's the long and short of it...

Where Happy Ends: "Niche down, Niche down" 

Did you know, artists are not robots? Of course you do. We all know this and yet sometimes we get pulled into what we think we should be doing. 

Yours truly has examined the sources in our culture of that "should," and quite frankly I refuse to try and program me. Artists are human beings and as such not machines created for one specific output. 

What I have decided....Don't niche down. Is it okay to have a focus? Yes, but do allow yourself play and variety. To this particular artist, the secret recipe to a happy artist is in the dichotomy of The Book and The Poem.

The Secret Recipe, Books and Poems? Let me explain...

During this Indy East project, I thought I'd take a moment to share with you the importance of my other art.

The Books: Projects like A Painted Tour where I was able to paint, ski and experience Vermont's ski areas, satisfied a hunger in me for the long game, an extensive series, a log of lived experiences. Together they exist to me as a bigger lifetime achievement, like writing a book. Onward to the next "book"....Indy East.

The Poems: These are single works or mini series in between. These are punchy, sugar rushes that boost my creativity and sharpen my skills. They also allow another way to play. Big color, impactful a good poem with evocative words and rythum, these grab my attention and demand a read(or in my case a paint).


So what's so bad about niching down?

Put simply, artists can burn out. Limitations can be incredible for creativity but if they're too constricting or they never let up, the artist's energy drains. It becomes an unsustainable path.

Your creative energy is a garden... all means harvest, but do not forget to tend it and protect it. In order to thrive, it needs light, nutrients and water.

Essentials for maintaining a healthy creative energy "garden":

  • multiple creative outlets
  • consistent exposure to people, places and things that inspire you
  • good artist's health: this includes your phyical and mental health
  • being a part of a creative community (this is a whole future blog)
  • an audience: most of us prefer not to sing into the void

Every summer I plant zinnias with my cucumbers to attract pollinators. The zinnias thrive here, they are protected by the tall cucumber trellis. And because of their blooms, we get more cukes.

Do you see where I'm going with this? The secret recipe for "Happy Artist" is in the symbiosis of multiple creative outlets/projects.

All of that being said,...

I'll leave you with my recent mini series, The Poems if you will. They've satisfied that sugar craving and the impulse to paint for pure joy. They are strength training for my painting muscles.

I leave them feeling energized to hit the road to work to experience, ski and plein air paint more Northeastern Ski add pages to the next book.

Thank you for being here and witnessing my art process over the years. Thank you for encouraging me to create fully and authentically. I am humbled by your continued enthusiasm and support for all of it, the long projects and these little energizing bursts.

You can see what's new for mini series and Indy East paintings and prints here on the site:





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